You bet -

- if you start learning harmonica with spiral tuning you'll stick with harping!

As a beginner you will experience how spiral tuning makes starting music and harmonica playing easy because of the spiral harmonica's logical note arrangement. As a musician you will fall in love with it's potential as a solo and accompanying instrument with many chords.

The Spiralharp School + CD with 10 new compositions of different styles to play along with, many preliminary practices and accurate tablature covers styles from Pop, Folk, Blues, Rock, Reggae, Gypsy, Samba to Tango.

The text book is available only in German.

→ Play Spiral Harmonica + Playalong-CD
25 € bei Harponline.

→ Play Spiral Harmonica + Playalong-CD +
Hohner Special 20 Spiral, Harponline Custom
65 € bei Harponline.

↓ Playalong-Samples and "Leseprobe"

Reggae Schmucki Gypsy Tragik
Voodoo Vibe Maj7-Samba
Swell Tempered Tango Shufflechen Intro
Big Blues Akustik Intro Shufflechen Outro
Big Blues Voodoo Part Waltz One
Big Blues Outro Beat Versus Offbeat

Schlagbetontes & auftaktiges Spiel; Lippenvibrato; die Paralleltonarten A-Moll und C-Dur

Reggae-Begleitung; Akkord- & Melodiespiel; Einführung in Dur- & Mollakkorde & Intervallbezeichnungen

Samba-Begleitung und typische Groove-Eemente; synkopierte Melodieführung; Einführung in Natürlich Moll